Our products

Lleal offers you a wide range of equipment for: emulsion, mixing, drying, granulation, milling, sieving, and packaging.

Vibroclass vibratory sieve shaker

Circular vibratory sieve sharker for solids and liquids

The VIBROCLASS circular vibratory sieve combines the features of vibratory and rotary sifters. They are compact, self-contained machines that perform precise, mechanical separations through the efficient use of multiplanar inertial vibration techniques.

They are designed and built to solve the most difficult problems of classification, separation, and dewatering, both dry and wet. (We offer a model of pneumatically driven sieve shaker, suitable only for sifting solid products).

1 to 4 sieves can be mounted to obtain up to 5 pre-determined size fractions.

To clean the sieve, we have an ultrasonic system for automatic cleaning that prevents it from clogging.

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