Our products

Lleal offers you a wide range of equipment for: emulsion, mixing, drying, granulation, milling, sieving, and packaging.

TS-VAC pneumatic conveyors for solids

Hermetic system for pneumatic conveying of powder or granular solids

This is a vacuum transportation system that is completely hygienic and safe thanks to its complete hermeticity, making it suitable for the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries in general.

The TS-VAC conveyors allow the transfer of powdery, granular, or solid material from a container, hopper, or tank to the final processing equipment. Their operation is based on the creation of a vacuum at the product’s destination point so that it flows to the final container.

The TS-VAC transport systems allow operation both continuously and for point loading, avoiding product losses, eliminating the risk of contamination, and requiring minimal maintenance.