Our products

Lleal offers you a wide range of equipment for: emulsion, mixing, drying, granulation, milling, sieving, and packaging.

PR-5000 volumetric packaging machine

Volumetric packaging machine for dosing medium and low viscosity products

The PR-5000 is designed for volumetric dosing of low to medium viscosity liquids or pastes, in wide-mouth metal or plastic containers, with a lid closure system.

It is a pneumatic-operated equipment equipped with a piston that allows dosing from 300 cc to 5,000 cc. Upon request, special pistons can be installed for dosing smaller quantities.

The standard closing unit is designed to work with snap-on caps; however, optionally, cap screwers can be mounted for bottle closures. In its standard version, the loading of containers and caps is manual; however, the versatility of this packaging machine allows for integration into a complete automatic packaging line.