Lleal’s women workers join the fight against breast cancer.

“Contigo 23” dinner raises €56,000 for breast cancer research

Granollers, 7 July 2023.Yesterday Lleal’s women workers joined a great cause: raising funds for breast cancer research, organized by the “Contigo” Foundation.

Invited by the company of which we are proud to be a part, it was a pleasure for all of us to be able to share such a special evening in which a multitude of individuals and companies join together to do their bit for research into a disease that affects 1 in 7 women in Spain every year.

In only four years of life, the achievements of “Contigo” Foundation are already palpable: knowing the genetic behaviour of one of the most aggressive variants of breast cancer, HER2-POSITIVE, and tackling it with a new drug that slows the progression of the disease and increases the chances of chronifying it.

At the fifth edition of the “Contigo” Dinner, almost €57,000 was raised, which will be destined, as always, to the numerous research projects that the foundation has underway and that will benefit current and future patients. Research led by one of the most prestigious oncologists in the world and the soul of this foundation, Dr. Javier Cortés Castán.

As employees, we would like to thank Lleal for making us part of a cause to which the company has been committed since the beginnings of the “Contigo” Foundation. A magical night, full of smiles dedicated to all those women who suffer, suffered, or will suffer from breast cancer.

Lleal, sharing moments.

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