Our products

Lleal offers you a wide range of equipment for: emulsion, mixing, drying, granulation, milling, sieving, and packaging.

RML magnetic mixer reactor

Aseptic bottom mixer reactor for low viscosity

The magnetic mixing reactor consists of a tank that is equipped with a rotor/stator turbine or marine propeller located at the bottom and in an eccentric position. The turbine is connected together by magnets, making it a completely aseptic agitation system, easy to clean, and quick to install.

The equipment develops a mixing principle that involves dispersing low viscosity products. The mixture flows from the turbine to the top of the tank, generating a vortex to detach into laminar flow along the walls.

These types of reactors are not intended for grinding or particle size reduction; their function is to mix substances, homogeneous and/or heterogeneous, in similar or different states of aggregation.